Day: March 9, 2010

  • How long does kennel cough last

    Kennel cough can last for 5-10 days. Symptoms begin usually 3 to 5 days after exposure. However it is contagious for a long time.

  • What is kennel cough

    Kennel cough is highly contagious. The medical term for Kennel cough is tracheobronchitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory system.

  • Why do we cough

    We cough because of various reasons. Smoke, dirt, household cleaners etc that lays on the respiratory tract causes cough. In an attempt to get rid of the substances the body propels it upwards violently via cough.

  • Why do cats cough up hairballs

    Since the hair clumps together in the cat’s belly, they cough up hairballs. Cats remove loose hair from their coats with their tongue. That is why they cough up hairballs.