Day: May 4, 2010

  • Antibiotic if allergic penicillin

    Cephalosporin usually works for penicillin allergies. Make sure that you visit a doctor to get into proper medication.Ten percent of the population have allergies to penecillin.

  • Antibiotic cures strep throat

    Make sure that you visit a doctor if you are showing the symptoms of strep throat.Antibiotics like penicillin,cephalexin and amoxicillin are mostly used for strep throat infection. However, antibiotics are useful only against bacterial infection not viral infections.

  • Antibiotic choice strep throat

    The most commonly used antibiotics for strep throat are penicillin,cephalexin and amoxicillin. Make sure that you visit a doctor if you are showing the symptoms of strep throat.Antibiotics are mostly used for strep throat.

  • Another word strep throat

    Strep throat is caused by group streptococcal bacteria. It is common in school going children and teenagers.The other name of strep throat is streptococcal pharyngitis.

  • Another name for mono

    Mono is casued by Epstein-Barr Virus.This is a common disease and is popularly known as kissing disease.Mono is called mononucleosis.

  • Animals get laryngitis

    If your pet has laryngitis you should take it to the vet immediately.Laryngitis is common among cats and dogs. It is crucial that you seggregate your infected animal from other uninfected ones.

  • Animal upper respiratory infection

    Most of the upper respiratory tract infection in animals are contagious and it is crucial that you seggregate other animals from your infection.Feline upper respiratory infection is used to refer to the infection in the cats. Kennel cough is common among dogs.

  • Anemia with lung cancer

    The most common cause of anemia is bone marrow suppression. You will need Immediate medical condition.There are more chances of a person getting anemia if he/she has lung cancer.

  • And what for laryngitis

    Hydration is the most effective treatment of laryngitis.Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx. This caused the soreness of the larynx and also causes hoarseness of the voice.

  • And what about laryngitis

    Laryngitis causes your voice to become raspy or hoarse.Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx. Laryngx is also called the voice box.