Category: Asthma

  • School help for children with asthma

    Make sure that you talk to the school and inform them about your child’s condition. If your child has asthma you will need to pay the child special attention. Make sure that you get a diagnosis done for the best treatment.

  • What is the role of heredity on asthma

    If asthma runs in your family or your parents have it, you have more chances of getting asthma. Heredity plays a crucial role to determine if you can have asthma. Make sure that you get a diagnosis done.

  • Why does asthma get worse at night

    Airways naturally narrow a bit at night causing it hard to breathe. That is the reason why asthma tends to get worse at night. Make sure that you keep your medication and portable oxygen handy at all times.

  • Can spirometry differentiate between asthma and bronchitis

    To measure how effectively your lunds take in and give out oxygen spirometry can be beneficial. . Bizarre readings can indicate the presence of some form of lung infection. However, it cannot be known for sure if the condition is asthma or bronchitis.

  • What can we do about asthma

    Understanding the changes that occur in asthma, how it makes you feel, and how it can behave over time is crucial. Asthma cannot be cured. However, you can relieve the symptoms and decrease the onset of an attack.

  • Asthma educator preparation help

    Asthma cannot be cured but the symptoms can be treated. You can take online Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course to refresh your personal knowledge about asthma care. Make sure you visit your doctor’s clinic regularly, while on treatment.

  • How to improve adult asthma

    You should make sure that you are constantly in touch with your doctor. Always keep your medication handy to avoid a severe attack. There is no cure for asthma, treatment help reduce severity of asthma attacks.

  • How to prevent asthma

    Use a home peak airflow meter to measure your optimal breathing capacity; this should help you recognize the decrease in airflow immediately. Always keep your medication handy and treat any difficulty breathing early, as to prevent the onset of a severe attack. Monitor the progression of asthma properly.

  • Can asthma cause lower trapezius pain

    It is unlikely but possible. Aasthma has rarely been associated with lower trapezius pain. You should visit your doctor for more details.

  • Asthma only when sick

    Most commonly airborne irritants like chemical fumes and cigarette smoke causes asthma. Yes indeed, a lot of asthma patients get asthma only when they are sick. Illness or cold can trigger asthma.