Day: March 21, 2010

  • How can you cure sinusitis without antibiotics?

    Sinusitis if they are bacterial or viral infected can be treated without antibiotics, through common methods. Only the fungal and allergies need treatment but not antibiotic. They require their specific injections to be administered.

  • Sinusitis + is it contagious?

    Sinusitis is caused by the common cold and allergies. Both its form, chronic and acute are not contagious. However the common cold or allergy may spread to others.

  • How to get rid of sinus infection

    Any kind of zinc treatment that you can be medically prescribed to is the kind of treatment you are looking for if you wish to get rid of your sinus infection. Zinc treatments work wonders as far as attacking viral problems are concerned and so anything of the sort will be the first step that you should take to cure yourself of a sinus infection. There are tablets and gel swabs that are available as zinc treatments that you can try out.

  • How to cure a sinus infection

    One of the easiest things that you can do yourself at home to help cure your sinus infection is to inhale steam three to four times a day and this can be done by leaning over some hot water. Also, be sure to keep your body well hydrated so that you never allow your body internally to dry, so keep drinking a lot of hot water and other liquids although you shouldn’t drink anything cold either.

  • Is a sinus infection contagious

    The answer to that would be no, at least not exactly. Although you cannot really catch a sinus infection from another suffering person you can however catch the cold that the other person is suffering from that can be as bad. The problem is that you never actually know but the cold that you catch might eventually lead to a sinus infection although unrelated to the original person who gave you the cold. So it is better that you avoid catching the cold itself.

  • Otitis media is caused by staphylococcus aureus

    Viruses or bacteria can cause this problem. The complication is the secondary infection caused by bacteria. In case of neonates, e coli and staphylococcus cause AOM

  • Otitis media how was it discoverred

    Before we all had antibiotics, the treatment of OM was in the form of a surgery called myringtomy. It constitutes small cut in the membrane called the tympanic membrane. this in turn gets the patient out of the pressure after the surgery

  • Why does otitis media often develop after a cold

    when rhino virus enters in a body a person feels cold, so as they are a reason for OM so a person feels cold because rhino virus has already entered in a human body.