Category: Lung Cancer

  • How long can you live with brain and lung cancer

    the prediction for how long a person will live is not possible but an average statistics can be taken. According to data gathered usually people die within two years. Only 5% make their survival till 5 years provided they are given proper chemo treatment.

  • What are the negative affects to lung cancer treatment?

    Lung Cancer treatment has its own negative effects. The most regular and one of the first side effects are nausea or vomiting and hair loss. It can also cause, mouth sores, change in the taste buds, loss of appetite and fatigue.

  • Does obama have lung cancer

    It was just a rumor that Obama suffers from lung cancer. It was just highlighted during his campaign for being president. But after that no one seriously rose this topic. Neither from opposition or government any one actually answered these queries it was heard that Obama is a chain smoke and lost a good number of pounds within a short span of time, which are symptoms n reasons of lung cancer. But how much it really has to do with lung cancer is not confirm to the day.

  • What color is the lung cancer ribbon

    Lung cancer ahs two color ribbons. Pearl is worn to symbolize awareness of the disease. White is worn to portray purity and betterment.

  • Is squamous cell lung cancer presumed agent orange

    Agent Orange caused many of the soldiers fighting the Vietnamese war to be affected with lung cancer. The uranium that they got exposed to affected the squamous cells carcinoma. This lead to the lung cancer affecting the non small cell type.

  • Percentage of smokers who develop lung cancer

    Different figures are available regarding people suffering from lung cancer. The range lies between 83%- 90% of the times smoking is the main reason for developing lung cancer.. Apart from that only 10% cases are due to passive smoking, pollution, radon gas etc

  • What is the likelihood of getting lung cancer

    The likelihood of having lung cancer depends upon the extent to which an individual is exposed to its causes. An individual who smokes is very likely to suffer from lung cancer compared to the one who do not smoke. Apart from that people who have a family history of lung cancer are at nearly double the risk of developing the lung cancer.

  • What is stage 3 lung cancer

    Stage 3 lung cancer is one of the four main stages if the cancer. It has two types. The first is contained in the same side as the original tumor. The second type is more aggressive and invasive.

  • Person 83 years old with stage ii lung cancer has pneumonia

    Elderly people above 65 years have a lower immune system. So if you are a lung cancer patient and develop pneumonia, you should immediately go for a check up. This will help in early diagnosis and immediate treatment to avoid any hazards.

  • How to stay active while suffering from lung cancer

    While battling lung cancer, one should be aware to do physical exercises for at least 45- 60 minutes every day. Running, cycling, jogging and dancing are good ways to do activities. Being active will not only help in controlling your weight but will increase your chances of survival.