How successful is tarceva for lung cancer
Tarceva was developed by the OSI Pharmaceuticals. It was found as a oral anti cancer drug for patients suffering from non small cell lung cancer. The survival benefits of this drug have been proved.
How long can you live with lung cancer
Over the period the survival rate can be estimated according to the level of disease. Stage 1a —more than 60 months Stage 1b —about 36 months Stage 2a —about 24 months Stage 2b —about 20 months Stage 3a —about 15 months Stage 3b —about 12 months Stage 4 —about 8 months
How can you get lung cancer
Smoking is one of the primal known causes of lung cancer. Non smokers or passive smokers are at equal risk. Exposure to radon gas and asbestos sheet may also cause lung cancer.
How long does it take to develop lung cancer smoking
Smoking leads to lung cancer in both men and women. 15 % of smokers get lung cancer. Quitters after the age of 60 years increase their risk by 10 % more.
How does lung cancer impact your life
Lung cancer has big impact on one’s quality of life. The shortness of breath which is very common will disrupt the daily life. The chest pain associated with it will also lead to constant discomfort.
How long does it take to get lung cancer from smoking
The pack years for a smoker will determine how soon one has the risk of developing lung cancer. If one quits by 30 years the risks are low. But in smokers who have quit after 60 years the risk increases by 10 %.
How does lung cancer affect your lifestyle?
A person afflicted with lung cancer will have shortness of breath which can cause problems in the lifestyle. This can further lea to coughing up of blood. The chest pain which comes with it is also a cause of concern.
Are all types of lung cancer presumptive of agent orange
Agenct Orange, the deadly chemical which resulted in soldiers getting affected by cancer, still hold true. But it only one of presumptive causes to lung cancer. It can also cause other forms of cancer.
Can lung cancer spread to the thyroid
Lung cancer is prevalent in smokers. A reported 140,000 people die of it every year in the US. Deaths are reported both in men and women with the ratio of women increasing every year.
How many people die from lung cancer
Every year a reported 140,000 people die of lung cancer in the US. The deaths are reported in both men and women. Smoking is one of the prevalent causes of lung cancer.