Day: March 9, 2010

  • Laryngitis how long does it last

    The time frame is 14 days. If its even more, this can even be chronic problems. So contact your doctor on time and get diagnosed with the real problem

  • How can you give a dog laryngitis

    Dogs can have laryngitis. At such times, please give him fluids in abundance. Let his voice to rest. Treat him properly on time. Consult vet if necessary. Take him away from allergens

  • Can prolong use of antihitamines cause laryngitis

    When you are suing asthma inhalers with steroids, they can in turn irritate the larynx. This can cause laryngitis. But this is rare and needs immediate doctors attention

  • I need to sing through laryngitis what do i take

    In this case, you have to consult a speech therapist of ENT specialist. Even an otolaryngologist can help. They would get your necessary medications and therapies and help in getting quick relief

  • How long is laryngitis contagious

    The ailment as such is not contagious. But if it was caused by cold or flu, that can easily spread to others around. Personal hygiene and taking antibiotics to suppress the contagiousness is important

  • Is an antibiotic necessary to get rid of laryngitis

    Antibiotics can be ineffective if it is viral. Taking them is not necessary at all since it goes off in 2 weeks. But if the cause is an upper respiratory infection, you need to call your doctor and get treated to avoid transmission

  • How many days does laryngitis last?

    It is usually just a few days. At the maximum it can go on for just 2 weeks. If it is even more than this, it might be other complications and you have to contact your doctor and get treated. Laryngoscopy or video laryngostroboscopy can even help in diagnosis

  • Ahat is laryngitis

    Laryngitis is the ailment that shows up as the inflammation of the larynx. The vocal chords are the elastic bands in larynx. Hence in laryngitis, your voice becomes raspy. It can be caused by cold, flu, over use of voice, acid reflux or exposure to pollutants

  • Do cats get laryngitis

    Cats can get laryngitis. It can be caused due to GERD, flu or sinus or overuse of voice. Even exposure to allergens or sores and polyps in vocal chords of cats can cause this ailment in them

  • What is viral laryngitis

    Viral infections can cause laryngitis. This in turn can be commonly termed as viral laryngitis. It automatically will be off in 2 weeks. Antibiotics will be ineffective then