Category: Lung Cancer

  • How long does a person have to live when lung cancer has spread to the spine

    The expected rate of survival in a lung cancer patient can be determined by the type of cancer he or she has. It also depends on the lifestyle one has been leading. Based on the above some new therapies like immunotherapy and gene therapy can be administered after surgery to increase the rate of survival.

  • How long can small cell lung cancer stay in remission?

    Small cell lung cancer, treated with radiation and chemotherapy leads to shrinkage of the tumor. This may eventually make the cancer go into a remission. However, the cancer grown back as soon as it becomes resistant to the treatment given.

  • How do you get lung cancer

    If you are actively or passively involved in smoking or you are exposed to radon gas, asbestos and viruses then you can get lung cancer. Additional occupational exposures possibly associated with lung cancer include contact with the processing of steel, nickel, chrome, exposure to arsenic and coal gas, and exposure to radiation.

  • Could a blood clot be lung cancer

    A blood clot during treatment of lung cancer can form deep in the veins and travel to the lungs. This symptom is generally overlooked. A reported 3% to 15% of patients treated with lung cancer develop blood clot.

  • How quick does non small cell lung cancer spread

    Non small lung cancer can be of three types. It can be sqamous cell carcinoma, adenocacrcinoma, or large cell carcinoma. Most of the cnacer tumors show growth within months. However the exact growth pattern can be figured out only by testing the individual and cell type.

  • How does lung cancer damage the lungs

    If the tumor is formed between the airways, it can cause breathing problem. As the accumulated cells have high blood supply; if the blood leaks out from tumor, it comes to mouth through cough. It increases the chances of patient for pneumonia.

  • How much money is collected for lung cancer research each year

    Every year the Federal Government spends $ 400 million for cancer research studies. Most of them are conducted by the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance and Canadian partnership Against Cancer. This money however does not include research studies by the different hospital foundations.

  • How many movie stars died from lung cancer

    Lung cancer has taken away many celebrities. The list is endless. However better known of them are Paul Newman, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis and Steve Mc Queen.

  • How long did paul newman live with lung cancer

    Spetmeber 26, aged 83, Paul Newman passed away after a long battle with lung cancer. He was battling cancer as per the media reports for 18 months. After finishing his treatment he spent the next few months with his loved ones.

  • How many people are diagnosed with lung cancer each year

    Smokers, non smokers, people exposed to toxins are more frequent these days. There are a reported 140,000 people affected with cancer in the US every year. And the count keeps growing.