Category: Sinusitis

  • Sinusitis is countious

    Sinusitis when of the chronic type can be a continuous infection. This might be there for weeks or months. One should immediately take proper treatment failing which it might effect the bones and tissu near the sinuses.

  • Is sinusitis the same as a sinus infection?

    Sinus infection is also known as sinusitis. It is an infection of the sinuses. It can be a bacterial or viral infection.

  • Is there nausea associated with sinusitis

    Sinusitis can affect any area. It causes inflammation of the sinuses. This results in pain, headaches and nausea.

  • Can you treat sinusitis without antibiotics

    Both bacterial and viral sinusitis can be treated without antibiotics. Sometimes a change in lifestyle and food habits help. The fungal and allergies need treatment but not antibiotic. They require some specific injections to be administered.

  • Can you prevent sinusitis

    The best way to prevent sinusitis is to immediately treat any cold and allergies. One should also keep the air mo and quit smoking and alcohol. One should lead a hygienic life.

  • What is the outcome of untreated acute fungal sinusitis

    Untreated acute fungal sinusitis can be fatal. The fungi have a tendency to develop rapidly an gives a stuffed feeling, making breathing difficult. It results in dying tissue.

  • Does sinusitis cause face swelling?

    Sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses can be determined by different symptoms. Both viral and bacterial type has some differences in symptoms. Bacterial sinusitis sometimes results in facial pain and facial swelling.

  • What herbs are good for sinusitis

    There are two main herbs which can help prevent sinusitis. Echinacea, an anti-inflammatory stimulates production of macrophages and T cells. Goldenseal has antimicrobial qualities and promotes mucus flow. Other herbs are nettle and licorice.

  • How to treat chronic sinusitis

    Chronic sinusitis, if bacterial needs prolonged antibiotic treatments. Along with it one can have decongestants and pain killers to get temporary relief. A surgical intervention might be necessary in severe cases.

  • Sinusitis where is all of the mucous coming from

    The nose and sinus normally produce mucus to clean the membranes. Sometimes dust and cold irritates the membrane to produce more mucus. It can also be triggered in case of infection caused by bacteria.