Day: May 11, 2010

  • Best city live if you have asthma

    It is advisable for asthmatic patients to live in cities where the climate is warm and humid. Some asthmatics prefer living in coastal areas which have humid sea breezes. Cities not recommended for asthmatics are those that have high air pollution levels. Even cities situated at high altitudes are not recommended.

  • Best childrens cough medicine

    Several branded formulations are available to treat coughs in children. These are Triaminic, Robitussin, Vick’s and Tylenol. However, homemade cough remedies for children are preferred by many parents. The most effective remedy is buckwheat honey.

  • Best ayurvedic medicine cough

    The bay berry (myrica nagi) is a good cure for coughs and throat congestions caused because of chronic bronchitis. The fruit of the belleric myroblan is good to treat coughs caused as a result of catarrh. Betel leaves, crushed and made into a paste with water and then put on the chest is another effective treatment. Another effective treatment for coughs related to sore throats is the use of fenugreek seeds.

  • Best antibiotics strep throat

    Strep throat is an infection of the throat caused by bacteria. This can be treated with antibiotics like cefprosil, amozicillin, azithromycin, cefladroxil, penicillin, cephalexin, etc. The patient is given these drugs either through injection or orally. If neglected, strep throat can lead to life threatening complications.

  • Best antibiotic upper respiratory infection

    Sometimes, doctors prescribe the best antibiotics to treat upper respiratory infection. However, if a bacterial-specific infection is suspected or diagnosed, only then will doctors prescribe antibiotics. Streptococci throat (tonsillitis), epiglottitis or bacterial sinusitis is associated with upper respiratory tract infection. It is left to the discretion of the treating doctor for administering specially-formulated antibiotics to treat specific upper respiratory tract infections.

  • Best antibiotic strep throat adults

    Strep throat must be treated as it could lead to life threatening complications even though it may not sound dangerous. Antibiotics like amoxicillin, cefprosil, azithromycin, cefladroxil, penicillin, etc. are used for treating strep throat infections. These antibiotics are given to the patient either via injection or orally.

  • Best allergy medicine nasal congestion

    Your home must be kept free from dust, molds and other environmental allergens. This helps to reduce nasal congestion. You may consider immunotherapy if your nasal congestion is severe. Nasal sprays, oral medication and eye drops can be purchased from a pharmacy or prescribed by a doctor.

  • Benefits lemongrass ginger tea

    Although lemon grass and ginger have their own set of health benefits, when mixed together, lemongrass ginger tea adds to these benefits. The Lemon grass in this tea has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties and is a good diuretic. It also helps detoxify the kidney, liver and bladder, and reduces uric acid and excess cholesterol. Ginger in this tea offers excellent anti-oxidant and detoxifying benefits.

  • Benefits getting flu shot

    Getting flu shots is very beneficial. Patients suffering with heart disease or stroke need very little hospital care. Even people suffering with pneumonia or flu need very little hospitalization. Taking flu shots prevent the risk of death from any cause.

  • Benefits drinking ginger tea

    Drinking ginger tea has a number of medicinal benefits. To treat nausea, Asians use tea in traditional medicines. Drinking ginger tea is very good to relieve cold symptoms. Pregnant women suffering from morning sickness also find it very effective.