What are the long tem complications of mononucleosis if left untreated?
When the person suffering with mono is untreated then some complications arise. These complications can be long term. The long term complications of mono are Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Do any famous people have mononucleosis
Mono is a viral disease and is contagious. It can spread to any person. It is not known if any famous person suffers from mono.
If you have had mononucleosis can you give blood
If you’ve had mononucleosis you are not able to donate blood to anyone. After you have recovered from mono you can donate. You have risk of transmitting the virus to other person by donating blood.
How long do you have mononucleosis
Mononucleosis is also one of the contagious diseases. When the sign of the disease is seen then it will be contagious for 10 to 15 days. At times it can be contagious for more than 2 weeks.
Mononucleosis + how long contagious
The viral disease mononucleosis is caused by the virus EBV. It occurs mostly in the adult and younger generation. It spreads quickly through close contact. It is contagious for one to several weeks.
Mononucleosis does it leave your system?
Once you are infected with mono then, you have the infection life long. Mono is caused by EBV. The virus remains in your system life long.
Mononucleosis does it leave your system?
Once you are infected with mono then, you have the infection life long. Mono is caused by EBV. The virus remains in your system life long.
How is mononucleosis contracted or transfered?
Mononucleosis is transferred through the saliva. The nick name is “The kissing disease”. It can be transmit by sharing utensils for eating and drinking. It is contagious.
Name of virus that is believed to be the cause of infectious mononucleosis
The virus Epstein-Barr is the main cause of mononucleosis. It is supposed that the virus named cytomegalovirus is another cause of it. It is a contagious disease.
Mononucleosis how long is it contagious
EBV the main cause of mononucleosis is contagious. It spreads through kissing or sexual contacts. It may spread in other ways too. It will be contagious for 10-15 days after getting the symptoms.