Day: March 1, 2010

  • Can i catch an upper respiratory infection from my cat

    Rare bacterial infections can transmit from cats to humans. However, it is unlikely that the upper respiratory tract infection transmit from cats to humans.However, it is highly contagious to other cats.

  • What is an upper respiratory infection

    The infection involving the upper respiratory tract is denoted as upper respiratory tract infection. This includes sinuses, nose, Pharynx and larynx.The infection is highly contagious.

  • How long will a fever last with an upper respiratory infection in a child

    Fever with the upper respiratory tract infectioon in a child can last for 3-5 days. However, the symptoms can last for 7-10 days. Make sure that the child is properly feed.

  • How to treat an upper respiratory infection in cats and kittens

    Antibiotics can be used to treat the feline upper respiratory infection. However over-use of antibiotics tampers the gastrointestinal flora.It is to be considered that over-use of antibiotics tampers the gastrointestinal flora. The term used to denote the upper respiratory tract infections in cats and kittens is ‘Feline’.

  • Is asthma hereditary?

    The tendency to develop asthmatic symptoms can be decided by the existence of certain genes which can be inherited from parents. These genes control the response of the immune system to invading allergens and other stimuli in the airways and depending upon this response the person can contract asthma more easily than others who do not have these genes.

  • Asthma is caused by

    Various factors like allergies caused from animal hair, dust mites, pollen, and mold can lead to developing asthma. Besides these allergies, other causes include air pollution and smoke, extreme weather conditions and persisting cough and cold, if left untreated for a long time.

  • Where did galen discover asthma

    The cause and symptoms of asthma were discovered by Galen during the period 201 – 300 BC in ancient Greece.

  • Why asthma in women

    More number of women have been found to develop asthma in their adulthood, in comparison to men. Also, majority of the deaths caused by asthma have been reported in women and this could be attributed to the hormonal changes experienced by women, among other possible factors.

  • Why is it dangerous to scuba dive with asthma

    Many patients of asthma experience attacks during physical exercise, such as scuba diving, moreover scuba divers breathe cold, dry and compressed air, which can further aggravate the symptoms for asthmatics. This coupled with the fact that in case of any asthma attacks while diving at significant depths, proper and immediate medical assistance cannot be provided to asthmatics, makes it dangerous for patients of asthma to scuba dive.

  • What happens if you have swine flu and asthma

    Swine flu can create additional complications for asthmatics in comparison to non-asthmatics. Since the body creates mucus in response to the H1N1 swine flu virus, this mucus can block the narrow airways of asthma patients and create complications like pneumonia.